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2013年06月09日 08:03
Patten drills
1. T: plant a tree----in the corner of the garden----yesterday
S1: When did he plant a tree in the corner of the garden?
S2: He planted a tree in the corner of the garden yesterday. 
S3: Yesterday he planted a tree in the corner of the garden.
(1) read a book--- in the reading room ----this morning
(2) go window-shopping----on Fifth Avenue---last Monday
(3) do an experience--- in the lab---this afternoon
(4) post a letter---in the post office---the day before yesterday
2. T: She was angry when she spoke to me. 
S1: How did she speak to you?
S2: She spoke to me angrily.
(1) He is a patient teacher.
(2) My mother is a sound sleeper.
(3) She was a fast runner.
(4) He is quick when he answers questions. 
3. T: play with--- a lovely girl in the park.
S1: Who did you play with in the park?
S2: I played with a lovely girl in the park.
(1) see---a wonderful painting----in the gallery (when)
(2) watch---a thrilling film---in the cinema (what)
(3) listen to---some light music---in the living-room (what)
(4) meet---an old friend---in the street (who)
4. T: jog in the park 
S1: John’s wanted on the phone. Tell him to come here. 
S2: I can’t find him. What’s he doing?
S3: I think he’s jogging in the park.
(1) have a shower 
(2) play football
(3) do his homework
(4) pack his suitcase
(5) surf on the Internet
(6) water the garden
5. T: drive fast/ slowly---have an important appointment 
S1: Does Mary always drive fast?
S2: No, she usually drives slowly.
S1: Why is she driving fast now?
S2: She’s driving fast because she has an important appointment.
(1) do her homework carelessly/ carefully---he upset
(2) talk to people loudly/ softly---talking to an old man
(3) speak rudely/ politely to her friends---lose her temper
(4) speak loudly/quietly ---try to make herself heard
(5) teach lesson slowly/ quickly---make all the students understand
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