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2013年06月10日 13:54

Describe a school you attended when you were a child. 

Key points: Kindergarten, many children, kind teacher, learn. 

Alright,【口语表达方式】 I’d like to tell you about 【比较自然的沟通方式】the kindergarten I attended when I was like 3 or 4 years old. Actually at my first day in that school, I was a little terrified coz 【口语用词】at the time I was a bit shy and quite clingy to my mum. It took her a great effort to persuade me into the kindergarten.【比较鲜活的细节描述】 Believe it or not, it was a nice place, with a two-storey building and a pretty little courtyard, which is an ideal spot for the kids to do some exercise. 

Anyway, my mum led me into a class on the second floor. There were two teachers and about 20 kids in that room, and the short-haired teacher looked me into the eyes, with a really kind smile on her face. I used to be quite intimidated by strangers, but seeing this teacher made me feel quite at ease, 【详细的心理活动叙述也有助于使整体表述更加立体和生动】coz, you know, she was such a nice lady, and I liked her immediately. Who wouldn’t? 【反问的形式】So luckily my mum didn’t go through a lot of trouble to let me settle down in that class. 

After that, everything went on pretty well. I was fortunate enough to have a great time in that kindergarten until my entrance to the primary school. Of course, we learned some basic skills of Chinese, Math, music or even painting 【细节】in that kindergarten. But more importantly,【连接词,使单个句子之间更有逻辑性】 it was the first time that I get into the society, hang out with others of my age, and receive the loving nurture from those kind teachers. So every time I think about this school, it could always bring back good memories. 

如上所述,在所表述的内容之中加入自己的观点、看法、细节和连接词,既有助于扩展讲话的时间,又能够使2分钟的论述更加具体、有条理和有实际的内容。除此之外,考生在回忆比较简单的细节信息的时候往往能够更流利地用语言表达出所要讲述的内容,这样可以使part 2部分的表现更加出色。
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